They are a group of small palaces with a series of structures surrounding them born of a purely transitory and ornamental need. Since the XVI century, these Nasrid palaces has been designated as Old Real House to distinguish Christian buildings.
They are a group of small palaces with a series of structures surrounding them born of a purely transitory and ornamental need. Since the XVI century, these Nasrid palaces has been designated as Old Real House to distinguish Christian buildings.
These are some of them:
-Palacio Real
-Cuarto Dorado
-Palacio Dorado
-Palacio de Comares
-Patio de los Arrayanes
-Torre de Comares
-Palacio de los Leones
-Sala de los Mocárabes
-Sala de los Abencerrajes
-El Harén
-Sala de los Reyes
-Sala de las dos Hermanas
-Palacio de Carlos V
-Patio de la Reja
-Jardines de la Daraza
Here are some photos of the most important of them.
Palacio de Carlos V